Saturday 8 August 2015

Ireland welcomes global visitation on St. Patrick’s Day

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, TD, spoke of the importance of St Patrick’s Day in attracting investment, increasing exports and creating jobs in Ireland.

Minister Flanagan was speaking following the publication of a report on St Patrick’s Day 2015: Ireland’s Economic Diplomacy In Action, which shows that the Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Ministers led 29 trade-focussed visits to 70 cities in 26 countries over the 2015 St Patrick’s Day period. Ireland’s network of embassies organised almost 400 events as part of an extensive programme to promote Ireland’s economic interests overseas, to build Ireland’s positive reputation internationally and to connect with the Irish diaspora.

Minister Flanagan said: “St Patrick’s Day offers a unique opportunity to promote Ireland’s economic and political interests overseas, with levels of publicity and media attention unmatched by the national day of any other country. The value of the St Patrick’s Day period to create new business links, open up export opportunities and create jobs in Ireland cannot be overstated.

“The Taoiseach, Tánaiste and Ministers led 29 trade-focussed visits to 70 cities in 26 countries and I would like to thank all colleagues who travelled and participated in these busy programmes. Trade, tourism, education and inward investment in Ireland were promoted at 148 dedicated business events around the world, attended by almost 18,000 Irish and international company representatives. While valuable contracts were signed during the period, perhaps even more important are the relationships formed which result in significant contracts and investment over the coming years.

“More than seven million people attended St Patrick’s Day parades and events around the world while over 180 iconic buildings and landmarks went green as part of Tourism Ireland’s ‘Global Greenings’ campaign, which received strong support from Ireland’s embassy network. Events in 2015 included Ireland’s first official St Patrick’s Day reception in Silicon Valley, California.”

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