Friday 22 December 2023

Sling & Stone partners with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited to promote Auckland to Australian travellers

Sling & Stone
, the communications agency known for working with ambitious brands shaping the future of travel and tourism marketing, has been selected by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited to lead public relations and influencer marketing in Australia. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited is Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s economic and cultural agency committed to making the Auckland region a desirable place to live, work, visit, invest and do business. Sling & Stone will support its Destination Partnership Programme.

The Destination Partnership Program is an initiative designed to support close to 130 tourism-related businesses including local tourism operators and attractions, accommodation providers, retailers and venues to keep Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland in the hearts and minds of travellers from key markets, including Australia.
Auckland, known as ‘the place desired by many,’ welcomed 1.84 million international visitor arrivals in the year to August 2023. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s goal is to retain and build on these numbers by engaging the fresh-thinking approach of Sling & Stone, who will help build the awareness and desirability of the Auckland region as a must-visit holiday destination for Australians.
“Sling & Stone has a deep investment in the growth and success of New Zealand businesses and destinations on an international stage. Aside from having had our own agency on the ground, we have been crafting and sharing the stories of New Zealand’s most exciting brands and talent for years, and we understand “brand Auckland” and “brand New Zealand” deeply,” said Kasi Talbot, Global Head of Consumer at Sling & Stone.
“We love representing challengers. Auckland is an incredibly unique destination that we are excited to reveal more of to Australians who seek an enriching travel experience just a stone’s throw from home. We have been rapidly growing our travel, tourism and hospitality portfolio in 2023, and kicking off with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited is an amazing way to end the year,” said Kelly Owens, Director, Sling & Stone.

Annie Dundas, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited Head of Visitor Economy said, “the appointment of Sling & Stone will facilitate a comprehensive and robust in-market approach to promoting our partners within the Destination Partnership Program, aiming to increase duration of stay, enhance visitor spend, and position Auckland as a must-visit destination and preferred holiday choice for travellers.”

“Auckland has so much to offer our Australian market - Māori and Pacific culture is at the heart of Auckland and with more than 220 ethnic groups calling Tāmaki Makaurau home, Auckland is a vibrant hub. The region also boasts a wide range of accommodation, natural and cultural attractions, sporting events, bars, restaurants, beaches and landscapes.
“On-ground support from Sling & Stone will enable us to share the incredible stories of Auckland to even more audiences than we’ve been able to reach before.”

The Destination Partnership Program is designed as an interim solution, to fund tourism marketing and business event attraction activities in key markets for a minimum of two years, while a sustainable long-term national funding solution is developed and implemented. Businesses can voluntarily contribute, depending on their level of interaction with the visitor economy. The program offers five membership levels that businesses can choose from, ranging from free memberships through to premium memberships for major contributors.

About Sling & Stone

Sling & Stone is a global PR and communications agency purpose-built for brands creating the future of how we live, work, and play. To find out more visit

About Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited is Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s economic and cultural agency committed to making our region a desirable place to live, work, visit, invest and do business. To find out more visit
* Sling & Stone: Kasi Talbot at
* Tātaki Auckland Unlimited: Olivia Young at

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