Saturday 10 June 2023

Upcoming Festivals

Via Ba Chua Xu Festival, Viet Nam.10 June 2023

In An Giang Province in the Mekong Delta, the Ba Chua Xu temple festival is held annually from the 23rd to the 27th of the fourth lunar month. During the festival, a marble Ba Chua statue is washed and clothed, then rites performed for the next few days.Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT)

Horse Race Festival, China PRC.

22 June 2023
Land-locked Yunnan celebrates the traditional Dragon Boat Festival date with a Horse Race Festival: the Tibetan ethnic community show off their traditional equestrian skills through horse races, acrobatics and other competitive horse-riding feats. (China Highlights)

Phi Ta Khon Ghost Festival, Thailand.

23 June 2023
Held in the farming village of Dan Sai in Loei province, the Ghost Festival features a procession of masks made from thick palm-leaf stems, all painted in intricate designs and enhanced with carved noses and ears. The festival is part of “Bun Luang,” the Buddhist merit-making holiday of worshipping the spirits. (TAT News)

*Source: Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) Email:

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