Tuesday 4 August 2020

Working with the Local Community at Hoshino Resorts

Businesses and craftsman who support the Japanese industries and traditions are facing difficulties due to the outbreak of coronavirus. Problems such as cancellation of festivals and food loss have come to our attention through the connections we have at Hoshino Resorts.

During this difficult time for the travel industry, Hoshino Resorts have started different projects in the hopes to support the local community as best we can for a brighter future together.

Below are some of the projects that Hoshino Resorts are involved in.

– Hoshino Resorts Tomamu x Fireworks Expert: Fireworks to wish for good health
One of the summer traditions, firework festivals are being cancelled due to the outbreak of coronavirus. With the hopes for people to regain happiness, fireworks have been set off every night since 1 July for 3 months at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. Hokkai Fireworks, a company in Hokkaido that creates, sells, and launches fireworks, has agreed with this project and is helping us launch the fireworks.

In holding this event, actions against coronavirus is being followed such as the installation of signboards to maintain social distancing, disinfection of rental picnic blankets, etc.

Property Website: https://www.snowtomamu.jp/summer/en/

– KAI Tsugaru x Nebuta Festival: Alternate Nebuta Festival
This year, the Hirosaki Nebuta Festival has been cancelled so KAI Tsugaru, located in Owani Onsen, Aomori Prefecture, has decided to host an Alternate Nebuta Festival. The Hirosaki Nebuta Festival, which attracts over 1.6 million people every year was forced to be cancelled due to the outbreak of coronavirus. In collaboration with the local Nebuta artists, KAI Tsugaru is now on a journey to host the Alternate Nebuta Festival for the community to regain their liveliness.

Property Website: https://kai-ryokan.jp/en/tsugaru/

– Hoshino Resorts Oirase Keiryu Hotel x Open Roof Top Bus: “Keiryu Open Bus Tour”
Hoshino Resorts Oirase Keiryu Hotel will be hosting “Keiryu (mountain stream) Open Bus Tour” from 1 August to 31 October 2020. A double-decker bus with an open rooftop will be travelling along the mountain stream to enjoy the breeze in nature with a panoramic view.This tour was developed with Ninomaru Jidousya Kougyo Co., Ltd with the hopes for guests to feel refreshed by feeling the wind and nature of Oirase Keiryu area. We are working with the travel industry to overcome the impact of the virus, where the bus service is run by a local bus company, Towada Kanko Dentetsu Co., Ltd.

Property Website: https://www.oirase-keiryuu.jp/en/

– Hoshino Resorts Aomoriya x Nebuta Festival: Co-production of Nebuta Project
Hoshino Resorts Aomoriya, a place to enjoy the culture of Aomori, is participating in a project to produce Nebuta on-site. The Aomori Nebuta Festival has been cancelled, which means that Nebuta artists have lost their chance to create. Despite this circumstance, artists are keen to produce Nebuta to bring happiness to people so we decided to co-produce Nebuta together. In collaboration with three artists, this project will start early July and is scheduled to finish late September.

Property Website: https://hoshinoresorts.com/en/hotels/aomoriya/

– RISONARE Nasu x Farm: Save the Farm Milk Jams

The outbreak of coronavirus has led to a decrease in consumption of milk and milk products at schools and restaurants. Milk is being forced to be discarded so, in order to reduce this food loss, RISONARE Nasu and Shinrinno Farm has collaborated to create Milk Jams since this April.

Milk Jams can be stored for a long period of time so this reduces the amount of milk that is being thrown away. For this milk jam to reach as many people as possible, “Save the Farm Milk Jam Frappe” is sold at three RISONARE properties (Nasu, Atami, Yatsugatake) and “Save the Farm Milk Jam Shaved Ice” is sold at three KAI properties (Kawaji, Kinugawa, Nikko).

For more information:
“Save the Farm Milk Jam Frappe” at RISONARE
“Save the Farm Milk Jam Shaved Ice” at KAI

Property Website: https://risonare.com/nasu/en/

– 3 KAI Properties (KAI Kawaji, KAI Kinugawa, KAI Nikko) x Pottery: Remote Mashiko Ware Market
The KAI properties in Tochigi Prefecture, KAI Kawaji, KAI Kinugawa and KAI Nikko, will host a Remote Mashiko Ware Market to unite the hearts of those who were scheduled to participate in the market, which was cancelled this spring. A special team of Mashiko ware artists and shops were created to produce an exhibition within the property as well as areas in the guest rooms to showcase Mashiko ware. Any Mashiko ware of your liking can be bought through our website.

Property Website: https://kai-ryokan.jp/en/

– Karuizawa Hoshino Area x Agriculture: Field Rescue
Since 1 June 2020, the Karuizawa Hoshino Area, located in Nagano Prefecture, has been in collaboration with JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) Sakuasama, which started with the circulation of staff members. Peak season for harvesting vegetables is in the summer and due to the effects of the novel coronavirus, the inability for foreign technical interns to visit Japan has led to the lack of human resource within the agricultural industry. This was the start of this project, where staff members of the Hoshino area were arranged to help support any work in the field. In conjunction with the circulation of staff members, there are plans for vegetables to be stocked, used at the restaurant, and sold over the counter.

For more information:

Property Website: https://www.hoshino-area.jp/en

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