Tuesday 4 August 2020


Inspector numbers have been boosted and their powers increased under the NSW Public Health Act 2010 in a bid to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Pubs, clubs, bars, cafes, restaurants and venues found to be flouting the NSW COVID-safety measures face fines, and could even be shut down, as part of a joint operation between Liquor & Gaming NSW, SafeWork and Fair Trading.

Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said stricter conditions and increased supervision are crucial to keep the economy in business.

“Businesses must be part of the solution if they want to stay open and look after their communities,” Mr Dominello said.

“Right now if they haven’t downloaded a COVID-19 Safety plan and registered as a COVID Safe Business they are contravening the Public Health Orders and could face a $5000 fine and then closure.”

Liquor & Gaming, SafeWork and Fair Trading inspectors are working in coordination with local council environmental inspectors, Food Authority inspectors, NSW Health and NSW Police.

COVID safety breaches can be reported to NSW Police or complaints made online at nsw.gov.au.

Destination NSW

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