Sunday 5 July 2020

Le Vallee Loir, France

La Flèche Zoo
It is an area of rolling Le Vallee Loir (the Loir Valley without an ‘e’) is located between Le Mans, Tours, Laval and Angers.

It offers rolling French countryside, with charming villages and historic towns that offer the visitor a gentler style of living.

The river was always the lifeline bringing building materials to construct some of the châteaux such as Château du Lude.

This is the most northerly outpost of Loire AOC wines, which can be enjoyed in the restaurants scattered throughout the region.

La Flèche Zoo 
La Flèche Zoo has 1,500 animals in 18 hectares and there is the chance to stay overnight in one of the lodges. 

Land of Mills 
The Loir Valley is also known for its large number of mills along the river. Many of these have been renovated as guesthouses, art centres or museums including : 
  • The Moulin de Rotrou - An old flour mill still in working order thanks to a group of enthusiasts who want to keep the wheel still turning. The mill offers many activities during summer, based around the cereal garden. 
  • Le Moulin de la Bruère - A water mill whose wheel helps produce flour, electricity and ice cubes. 
  • Les Moulins de Paillard - A paper mill that has been turned into an interdisciplinary centre for art, dance and contemporary music. 
  • La Flèche Theatre - This recently renovated nineteenth century Italian-style theatre has a capacity of just 135 and is known for the intimacy of the performances and its impeccable acoustics.

The Baugé Apothecary
The Baugé Apothecary
With its woodwork, starry vault and inlaid floor, classified as a Historic Monument, this 17th century apothecary is considered one of the most remarkable in France. On the shelves are 650 pots, pillboxes and boxes made of wood, earthen ware, glass or tin, most of whichstill contain products from another era including one for treatment of patients with “goat’s blood”, pill box powder, crayfish eyes and mummified human fingers. 
The Château du Lude, one of the many great châteaux in this area of France is found at the crossroads of Anjou, Maine and Touraine. After many years of renovation, owners of the Château du Lude, the Count and Countess de Nicolaÿ will add the hunting room and the guest room to those available to view when it reopens. 

The Bercé Forest 
A Forêt d’Exception, this state-owned forest, once a royal domain, has oaks and conifers stretching for more than 5,400 hectares.

The Rotonde Rail Warehouse
The locomotives that required water and coal and the depot employed 500 people day and night. The Rotunda closed in 1954 after the Second World Warbombings, but enthusiasts bought the building in 2009 before it was destroyed and begun restoring it. It was given Historic Monument status in 2010. A luxury sleeper car from the Orient Express, the last Baguley handcar and new for this year: a steam locomotive dating from 1948, Leonie, will be on display. 

The Cafetieres and Cie Museum 
Created by a couple of passionate collectors, the Museum is dedicated to enamel for household use that was popular in all homes from the end of the 19th century until the 1940’s. The museum, housed in a building dating from about 1625, is stocked with old kitchen and toilet utensils, coffee makers, spice jars, salt boxes or matchboxes, hand basins and jugs. 

La Chartre-sur-le-Loir 
Located on the borders of the Loir Valley, La Chartre-sur-le-Loir is dominated by the hill and the Jeanne d'Arc Tower which houses a chapel.  La Chartre-sur-le-Loir is known as the home of second-hand dealers and antique shops, with everything from art to vintage goods.

The Château de Poncé
The Château de Poncé
Built in a Renaissance style, this chateau has a central staircase ceiling with carved panels depicting stylised foliage, mythological scenes, coats of arms and the salamander of François I. A dovecote, outbuildings built in the 18th century and gardens are found on the estate and there's is a hornbeam maze with a plane tree planted at its centre. The château organises contemporary art exhibitions from May to September.


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