Sunday 1 April 2018

New Cargo Plane Train Service Announced for Sydney

Cargo Plane Train
Sydney Trainsport has come up with a new strategy to convert its annual loss making trains into a profit making venture.

Extensive studies have found that even though some Sydney passenger trains are full to capacity, most trains have empty seats. The only way to make an annual profit is to have all the seats occupied by paying passengers. 

As the population of Sydney is too low to provide these extra passengers, Sydney Trainsport will commence daily flights from London and Los Angeles to Sydney in specially converted cargo planes. The planes are especially restored WW2 cargo planes, and each has been given a fresh coat of paint. 

These will bring into Sydney the extra passengers needed to fill up our suburban and inter-urban trains. Rather than cargo, each plane will be fitted out with 22 disused train carriages. Passengers will be able to sit in the luxurious economy class train seats, with the convenience of not having to leave them upon arrival at Sydney Airport. The train carriages will be rolled out from the plane onto a new underground train line that will be built by Airconnex from Sydney Airport to Central Station. The passengers will then change trains to fill up the seats on the suburban network trains to go to their final destinations in Sydney.

To make the flights affordable, passengers are encouraged to bring there own food and drinks for the 23 hour flight. This way they can eat and drink their favourite foods throughout the flight. 

Passengers will be able to place their bags on their laps for safekeeping throughout the flights, as all available space in the cargo planes will be occupied by the train carriages. This is like the current convenient baggage situation on all city and inter-urban train services in NSW.

"This new cargo class of air flights is just what we have been looking for", said Allan Colins, the CEO of Sydney Trainsport. "The extra cargo plane passengers from overseas will fill our Sydney trains to capacity each day, thus enabling a profit to be made."

All of Sydney is buzzing today with the announcement of this new cargo plane train service.

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