Monday 20 January 2014

One Step Closer for the 2014 Lake Macquarie International Children's Games

Lake Macquarie City Council last week welcomed the President of the International Children’s Games, Torsten Rasch, and the Secretary General Richard Smith for the signing of the official ‘Host City Agreement’ between the International Children’s Games and the City of Lake Macquarie in a ceremony at the Council Chambers.

Member for Charlestown, Andrew Cornwell welcomed the news.

“I’m delighted that the NSW Government, through Destination NSW, is supporting the International Children’s Games. Our community welcomes these eminent guests for the signing of Host City Agreement between the 2014 International Children’s Games and the City of Lake Macquarie,” Mr Cornwell said.

Mayor of Lake Macquarie, Cr Jodie Harrison, said the ceremony is conducted as a tradition one year prior to the scheduled host city ICG Summer Games.

“The signing of the official agreement is a significant occasion as we prepare to welcome the world and showcase our city, facilities and community spirit,” Cr Harrison said.

“It is an honour to host Mr Rasch and Mr Smith in our City and to be able to demonstrate to them what our City and our Region can offer on an international scale.”

Mr Rasch said the Committee members have long dreamed of a Games in Australia.

“This high-ranked sport event is officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee and we are thrilled to see the first Games ever "down under" take place,” Mr Rasch said.

“We are convinced that the Lake Macquarie Games will be successful and a highlight in the history of our movement.

“We are counting down the days until December 2014 to experience warm hospitality, enjoy great sports and give young athletes an everlasting unique memory by being a part of this tremendous event.”

The International Children’s Games (ICG) originated in Celje, Slovenia, over 40 years ago. Founder, Metod Klemenc’s passionate belief that young people could develop lasting friendships and promote peace in the world through sport, enabled the ICG to grow from its humble beginnings in Europe to become one of the most respected and largest youth sporting events in the world.

The Lake Macquarie International Children’s Games will be held from Saturday 6 – 11 December 2014.

Photo: ICG president Torsten Rasch and Her Worship the Mayor of Lake Macquarie Councillor Jodie Harrison, signing the Host City Agreement. The agreement outlines the partnership between ICG and Lake Macquarie and seals our commitment to deliver a games which upholds the ICG and Olympic ideals.

For more information please click here

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