Tuesday 2 April 2013

Celebrate World Music Day in Sydney

The inaugural FREE live music event World Musician Day will take place on Saturday 6th April, 12noon - 7pm at the iconic Sydney Park, St Peters in Sydney.
 In the spirit of celebrating our diverse local musicians, a great line up is set to bring the park to life, including:
  • Jeff Duff & Sydney Street Choir
  • Crooked Fiddle Band
  • Chango Salsa Band
  • Betty & Oswald
  • Natalie Magee
  • The Lunch Mothers
  • Duo Diavolo
  • Raphael Hudson & Sydney Lyric Opera
  • Ethan Blencowe
  • Andrea Ng & Friends
The event will also feature ‘jamming’ musicians – professionals, amateurs, hobbyists – from all over the city arriving and signing up on the day to perform and be in the running to win a $1,000 ’people’s choice award’! There will also be a Grand Piano (sponsored by Hutchings Pianos), a childrens stall, outdoor yoga, and food trucks for all.

Hope to see everyone come along and take part in a fun day with your local musicians, friends and family! Admission is free.

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