Sunday 26 May 2024

Learn Firsthand Where Sonoma County Food Comes From

Sonoma County
Despite the consistent mild Mediterranean climate year-round, Sonoma County boasts a myriad of microclimates influenced by the coastal fog drifting inland and sunny days that warm the stretches further inland. This unique combination of weather and topography renders Sonoma an optimal region for cultivating a diverse array of produce, contributing significantly to its status as an agricultural superstar.

Explore the expansive Sonoma Coast on a seaweed foraging adventure with Strong Arm Farms owner, Heidi Herrmann on the Sonoma Coast or seek mushroom foraging in coastal Sonoma County with resident expert and chef, Patrick Hamilton. Go a step farther with local nonprofit Farm to Pantry, and glean spring produce that will be distributed to locals in need.

Beginning in April, try your hand at a U-Pick at EARTHSeed Farm. Founder and farm manager Pandora Thomas and her team at EARTHseed Farm practice permaculture stewardship, an ecological design system that incorporates indigenous wisdom to elevate ecosystem health while meeting human needs. During the U-pick program, media can pick their own fruits and berries, and stewards walk them through the farm, educating them on permaculture design while showing off the ripest produce.

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