Friday 2 June 2023

Western Australia - Walkiog on a Dream

The WA tourism industry built this new brand. The journey to Walking On A Dream has been many years in the making. More than two years ago, Tourism WA began working on a new tourism brand for Western Australia that would set our unique State apart from competitor destinations across the country, and around the world. After undertaking the most extensive consultation in the Agency’s history — which included consultation with more than 500 tourism industry business owners and leaders from across all regions of the State, and testing with more than 110 local, national and international consumers — the Our Story: The Spirit of Adventure narrative was born.

Our Story: The Spirit of Adventure is a narrative framework that outlines what makes Western Australia so special. It does this through five key pillars designed to provoke the spirit of adventure in every traveller, with these pillars the foundation for all Tourism WA’s subsequent marketing and creative activities, including the domestic Wander Out Yonder campaigns and the Adventure Awaits international platform.

These five story pillars outline what Western Australia is, at its core. Western Australia is: Ancient Tracks, New Journeys™; barefoot luxury; otherworldly phenomena; majestic landscapes and big skies; and full of characters. Walking On A Dream is inspired by the Our Story: The Spirit of Adventure narrative.

Walking On A Dream uses the same founding principles to underpin a new creative approach for a bold new brand, to make WA shine as a world-leading destination of choice in a competitive global marketplace.

While the Our Story pillars still represent what makes WA unique and differentiates us from other destinations, we have added the themes of Time, Space, Connection and Freedom into our narrative.

These thematic pillars represent key attributes that global travellers are seeking from a destination in a postpandemic world, and through the Our Story pillars, we can show the world how Western Australia delivers on these critical themes.

  • TIME

Western Australia is 60,000 years of stories, shared by the oldest living culture on Earth. Stories that bring otherworldly landscapes to life. Traditions that have been handed down across generations, and enriching experiences across the State and the seasons.


Western Australia is otherworldly phenomena, majestic landscapes and big sky country. Supernatural contrasts of colour, sheer scale and spaciousness. Quiet, powerful, soulful. CONNECTION Western Australia is full of characters and rich with culture. A special place, where connecting with the land helps you reconnect with yourself. Locals with a warm, welcoming and a generous spirit, who share our culture, lands, and our way of life.


Western Australia is brimming with special and rare experiences, for those seeking the freedom to embark on new adventures. Luxury, but not as you know it. One-of-a-kind experiences, set on nature’s doorstep. Relaxed and down to earth. The freedom to embark on every kind of unforgettable adventure.

These pillars and the Walking On A Dream creative concept will give Tourism WA’s marketing and communications the uniqueness needed to make Western Australia shine as an aspirational, memorable and desirable destination for leisure and business travel, from now and into the future.

*Source: Tourism Western Australia,

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