Sunday 4 June 2023

A New Era of Zillennial Travel is rising


● New research reveals almost 9 out of 10 travellers (87%) agree that ‘sometimes it’s the imperfect or unexpected moments that make a holiday or trip memorable’.

● Furthermore, almost half of travellers (49%) say that when they experience a perfect holiday moment, they would simply just enjoy the moment, while only 10% would take a photo or video specifically for social media.

● As a result, we are seeing social media Zillennials opt for a less curated and more natural approach to travel, wanting to live in the moment without ‘gram-pressure’.

● From tours on home soil to the far reaches of Europe, Contiki has tours which make for lifetime memories you’ll never forget.

In a world consumed by TikTok dances, ‘plandids’ and Instagram filters, new research from global touring company Contiki reveals that while almost half of Zillennial travellers (49%) say they have tried to plan the perfect moment while on a holiday, 70% say they would prefer to leave perfect moments on holiday or on a trip to coincidence, to happen naturally.

Young Aussies are no longer seeking Instagram-worthy travel moments, they want real, raw and surprising travel experiences, with over half (55%) stating on holiday they prefer to post images on social media that are completely authentic images of a moment – however good or bad it is.

This is leading to Zillennials expressing they want to live in the moment without the social ‘gram pressure’. Gathering content for TikTok (8%) and staying in the same resort as a celebrity or influencers (9%) is the least of their priorities when on holiday.

Zillennial social detox holidays

No longer are Zillennials capturing their ‘perfect moment’ for social media, instead three in ten are preferring to remember their holiday by taking pictures for their own personal collection[1] .

No longer do Aussies want to experience that epic, movie worthy proposal abroad, in fact research has revealed being proposed to or proposing to someone is the last thing Zillennial travellers want to experience when it comes to creating the perfect travel moment (24%).

For Aussies, what makes a ‘perfect moment’ is enjoying food or drink with a view which comes out on top (51%), followed by watching a sunrise or sunset with your friends or family (49%) or experiencing something funny that becomes a story to tell for years to come (46%).

What goes on tour, lives on forever

A growing trend with Zillennials is going solo on a group tour, 39% of Aussies say that group tours make a trip more memorable, with almost half of travellers agreeing that spending time with people physically on holiday is more important than ever, especially now we live in a more virtual world (49%).

“Over the past 12 months, one of our big observations of Contiki travellers is that now more than ever, they are embracing the social side of group travel. In a digital world where you can work, study, shop and even order food without physically interacting with another person, spending real time with real people is what makes a trip truly unforgettable. It’s often the special, sometimes unexpected moments on these trips that leave the deepest impact, becoming stories they go on to remember and retell for years to come.” said Toni Ambler, MD of travel brand Contiki.

“That’s why more and more Zillennials are coming to realise the best memories are not curated. And they certainly don’t have to be perfect. They just need to feel real.”

Aussies want to be pushed out their comfort zones

While rest and respite are important for a trip, thrill-seeking Aussies want holidays that push them out of their comfort zones for a truly memorable travel experience. Almost half of travellers (45%) say stepping out of their comfort zone is what makes a holiday or trip memorable, and 41% say they would like to step out of their comfort zone between three and five times. Thirty percent of Aussies even opted for doing something adrenaline based like a bungee jump.

It doesn’t have to take adrenaline, even just simply trying something new can be enough to satisfy. Almost a quarter (22%) of respondents say taking part in five to six new experiences makes a memorable holiday or trip. Travellers pick holiday destinations based on the moments they might be able to experience, such as seeing certain animals or a specific landmark, while they are there (48%).

As the world leader in social youth travel, book with Contiki if you want memories and moments that’ll last a lifetime from the perfect sunset, to the tearful goodbyes. Head to the website to book yourself on a Contiki tour to make every moment count.

*Source: Hailee Amalfi, PR Consultant, Eleven PR Sydney

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