Monday 4 April 2022

Hot Topic on SNS! 10 people who look-alike ancient Yayoi man have been selected!

The 10 finalists selected by AI judgment. 
The Tottori Prefectural Government reconstructed the face of the "Yayoi man" based on DNA collected from the skull of a man from the Yayoi period (dating back some 1,800 years) excavated in 2000 at the Aoya Kamijichi site in the city of Tottori.

As soon as his face was released in October 2021, it has become a hot topic on SNS. The government launched a look-alike contest for people across the country whose faces resemble one and on 1st February, they selected 10 people who looked exactly like Yayoi man.

National Historic Aoya-Kamijichi Site 
Aoya-Kamijichi is a historic town ruins from about 2400 to 1700 years ago during the Yayoi period in Aoyacho, Tottori City. Considering the history of Yayoi period, this place become a very important archaeological site. In this site, various things that Yayoi people used such as balls made of stone brought from the Hokuriku region, sophisticated wooden tools and other relics were unearthed in good condition. And valuable trade items at that time like bronze mirrors made in China and ironware made in the Korean Peninsula were excavated. It is believed to have been an ancient trading center for the Sea of Japan. In the fall of 2023, the government will open the exhibition facility to display excavated items designated as important cultural properties.

Aoya-Kamijichi Site
Location:4064 Aoya, Aoyacho, Tottori
Access:10min by walk from Aoya Sta.

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