Wednesday 13 April 2022

Destination Canada announces a new partnership with The Canadian Garden Council in support of the Year of the Garden 2022

Destination Canada is a proud sponsor of the Year of the Garden 2022. After 2 years of restricted travel opportunities, 2022: The Year of the Garden encourages the public to get out, explore and enjoy Canada’s beautiful gardens and garden experiences again.

The Canadian Garden Council is inviting and helping Canadians connect with plants, their communities, and discover new experiences and inspirations offered by garden destinations. A Canadian Garden Route digital marketing and social media campaign stretching from June through August will encourage Canadians to travel, and ask: What will you discover? and What will you experience?

We are excited to be a part of this campaign and encourage guests to experience Canada’s gardens first-hand and learn how they contribute to maintaining the health of Canadians, our cities and the environment.

Want to get involved?
To be featured on Canada’s Garden Route, please contact: for details.
Tourism and hospitality businesses that embrace gardens on your grounds, or thematically in your service offerings, can register their business for free on the Live the Garden Life Directory here.
Enhance your social media activity by tagging posts with: #yearofthegarden #livethegardenlife #whatwillyoudiscover? #whatwillyouexperience #whatwillyougrow? #whatwillyoudiscover?

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