Tuesday 12 April 2022

CutOutOfOffice with Contiki

The world is open and Contiki knows its travellers are all bursting to get back out there. But there’s a small problem: We all seem to be busier than ever, staff are stretched and needing to put in the hours to simply keep their heads above water; no one can get leave approved to go on the social travel trip of their dreams!

Well, for April Fool’s day this year, one person at Contiki – a self-styled ‘Creativity and Innovation Wizard’ called Ben – has posited an ingenious solution: Contiki CutOutOfOffice.

The ingenious solution? Contiki CutOutOfOffice is a travel enablement device (don’t call it a personal cardboard cutout) that will ensure gullible employers believe you are diligently sitting at your laptop, unfortunately experiencing Zoom freeze and being ‘on mute’.

Contiki is generously providing a CutOutOfOffice solution to all travellers booking so they can set off social travelling around the world.

For posterity and perhaps evidence in future legal cases - The social travel brand has recorded Ben’s attempts at convincing his Contiki colleagues that his idea is just what its travellers need.

Contiki’s CMO Simon Llanos says ‘We are always seeking travel initiatives to improve our travellers' experiences’. On the CutOutOfOffice initiative specifically, Llanos went on to say ‘I want the team to feel empowered to come up with suggestions. But, I’m just not sure how we got here and I hope I don’t lose my job’.

Unfortunately, Ben cannot be made available for comment as any attempts to reach him via video call seem to fail, he is frozen or on mute.

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