Thursday 19 May 2016

Designer Chris Kontos appointed Creative Director of Adelaide Fashion Festival

The Adelaide Fashion Festival is pleased to announce South Australian fashion identity Chris Kontos as its Creative Director in 2016.

The Adelaide Fashion Festival (AFF) will be held from 19 – 23 October 2016.

Chris’ appointment is a natural evolution of his role as a member of the creative steering committee for the 2015 AFF.

Chris has been a prominent figure in the local, national and international fashion industries for many years through various roles spanning retail, design, marketing and manufacturing.

Most recently Chris was the lead designer for Australian Fashion Labels’ TY-LR brand. His role with the global fashion company concluded in April 2016.

Chris is passionate about growing and nurturing the South Australian fashion industry and is excited about his expanded role with the event.

“I’m very proud to be South Australian and this is a great time for fashion in Adelaide,” Chris said.

“There are many new and emerging designers who, I predict, have the potential to make a significant mark on the industry and around the world.

“Of course, Adelaide is also home to some of the stalwarts of Australian fashion who are leaders and mentors for our local industry.

“I’m really excited about building the AFF to showcase as many elements of South Australia’s broader design industry as possible.

“Adelaide certainly has a place as an innovative and forward-thinking city of creatives and I feel that now is a great time to base myself at home and focus my energy on supporting the local community of designers through this event.”

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