Friday 8 April 2016

New Great Walks of Australia Member and First for Western Australia

  • Margaret River Cape to Cape Walk by Walk into Luxury
Continuing with a commitment to expand their collective of premium guided walks throughout Australia, the Great Walks of Australia today announced the inclusion of the first walk in Western Australia (WA), the Margaret River Cape to Cape Walk by Walk into Luxury.

The newest member walk is a four-day experience showcasing WA's turquoise ocean, white beaches, coastal cliffs and towering karri forests along the Cape to Cape Track which runs through Cape Naturaliste National Park and along Australia's most south-westerly coastline. It successfully combines this spectacular walking trail with the magnificent food and wine of the Margaret River Region, as well as secluded beachfront accommodation.

The Margaret River Cape to Cape Walk offers guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in the natural landscape, get up close with the flora and fauna, swim in the ocean, and enjoy sunsets over the Indian Ocean. Operating throughout Autumn and Spring, the highlight is undoubtedly Spring (September to November) when Western Australia's famous wildflowers are in full bloom.

Accommodation is at the luxury Injidup Spa Retreat where guests can indulge in private plunge pools with uninterrupted ocean views, the perfect reward to a day of walking the trail.

Chair of Great Walks of Australia, Geoff Dixon said, “We're delighted to welcome the Margaret River Cape to Cape Walk into the portfolio. We know from our trade and media partners that there's a strong interest in this region so when Walk into Luxury approached us with this four-day itinerary that captures the unique beauty of Australia's South West, it was obvious that they were a perfect fit for the Great Walks of Australia brand. We look forward to working with them and showcasing the diversity of Australia's guided walking experiences.”

Walk into Luxury owners, Nikki and Adam King, said “We're thrilled to be joining Great Walks of Australia and to be the first walk to put WA on the Great Walks map as a world class walking destination. This recognition is a credit to our team and an exciting opportunity for the Margaret River region and our many local partners. Our hope is that, as a Great Walk, the Margaret River Cape to Cape Walk will help drive increased walker numbers to WA, especially from international markets such as North America, UK, Europe and NZ."

Great Walks of Australia is a collective of nine privately owned walks that highlight the best guided walk experiences in Australia – with coastal, inland and outback trails, high end accommodation, local food and wine, and expert guides. Since its inception in 2012, Great Walks of Australia continues to grow with new member walks to the group, increased brand awareness, and partnerships through activity in the domestic and international markets that are key to the tourism sector of walking in Australia.

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