Saturday 17 October 2015


Rare access to the Sydney Opera House’s main stages, rehearsal rooms and behind-the-scenes areas will be on offer to the public this weekend. The free Open Day event will also feature impromptu performances.

Open Day gives access to the heart of the Opera House, allowing visitors to explore the building’s captivating history as well as learn more about its renewal plans.

This is a free, open-to-all invitation to enjoy rare access to the Opera House’s main stages, rehearsal rooms and behind-the-scenes areas. With surprise delights and impromptu performances popping up along the way, this promises to be an unforgettable day of exploration beneath the famous sails.

Open Day gives access to the heart of one of the world’s busiest performing arts centres, allowing visitors to explore the building’s captivating history as well as learn more about how the Opera House’s exciting renewal plans are embracing the next generation of artists, audiences and visitors.

This special day is open to all – locals, travellers, frequenters, kids and adults alike.

Please register now to let us know you’re coming. You don’t need a ticket to get in, but we’d love to keep you updated with special information and helpful hints for planning your visit!

Open Day will be held on 18 October 2015, with doors opening at 9am and last entry at 3pm. Crowds are expected, so please allow additional time to queue for entry.

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