Tuesday 13 October 2015

Black Tie Cocktail reception & Gala Dinner...

A close second to Petra on the list of favorite destinations in Jordan is the ancient city of Jerash located to the north of the Capital city of Jordan. Amman, which boasts an unbroken chain of human occupation dating back more than 6,500 years.

Jerash lies on a plain surrounded by hilly wooded areas and fertile basins. Conquered by General Pompey in 63 BC, it came under Roman rule and was one of the ten great Roman cities of the Decapolis League.

The city's golden age came under Roman rule, during which time it was known as “Gerasa”, and the site is now generally acknowledged to be one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. Hidden for centuries in sand before being excavated and restored over the past 70 years, Jerash reveals a fine example of the grand, formal provincial Roman urbanism that is found throughout the region. Containing paved and colonnaded streets, soaring hilltop temples, handsome theatres, spacious public squares and plazas, baths, fountains and city walls pierced by towers and gates.

Beneath its external Greco-Roman veneer, Jerash also preserves a subtle blend of east and west. Its architecture, religion and languages reflect a process by which two powerful cultures meshed and coexisted - The Greco-Roman world of the Mediterranean basin and the traditions of the Arab Orient.

Having this natural Museum in our hands, comes in with the Talent & Creativity of Karma House where we are organizing a special Black Tie Cocktail Reception at Artemis Temple followed by a seated Gala Dinner at one of a kind Oval Plaza.

As guests arrive to the North Gate of the city of Jerash, the whole pathway leading to the Artemis temple will be covered with carpets leading up to the steps to the Artemis Temple.

Guests are greeted by Roman Soldiers on each side of the carpeted street, to arrive at the location where the whole ancient walls and columns will be illuminated with different colored lights.

Waiters elegantly dressed, will serve drinks while guest mingle & absorb the location they are at while listening to soft well-chosen back ground music, some will be posing with Caesar on his chair sounded with his roman soldiers. 

At a point guests will be asked to move to the one of a kind oval plaza surrounded with full size Roman Columns located right next to the Artemis Temple.

Tables will be set up with full cutlery and nicely covered chairs waiting for the guests to sit and enjoy a grand set menu dinner served by a five star hotel.

For entertainment we can have simply back ground classical music that fits perfectly with the location or any kind of entertainment that fits with the theme from Classical concert to a strolling trio or an opera singer.

For more information please contact Mrs. Ghada Najjar, or for anything else Karma House can assist you with, at jordan@euromic.com

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