Wednesday 3 June 2015

MCB Invites Associations, Meeting and Event Planners to Experience the 'Melbourne Effect'

Chief Executive Officer of the Melbourne Convention Bureau Karen Bolinger today unveiled Melbourne's new brand positioning for business events – The Melbourne Effect.

Speaking from IMEX in Frankfurt, Ms Bolinger said The Melbourne Effect was designed to encapsulate the city's strengths as a meetings, conventions and incentives destination and how this drives success for its clients.

“Our previous campaign, Melbourne IQ – The Intelligent Choice for Conferences, which centred around the city's intellectual capabilities, has worked extremely well for us over the years, however knowledge is just one of the many factors that entice planners to choose Melbourne,” Ms Bolinger said.

“We conducted extensive research across our key market segments, international associations and corporate and incentive planners, and what stood out was their desire for a city and bureau to not just tick the boxes, but to facilitate collaboration and deliver real outcomes.

“The Melbourne Effect speaks to everything about the city; its ability to transform ideas into innovations, the community into a collaborative force and the everyday into immersive experiences.

“Melbourne is an extremely intriguing city; it is multifaceted with depths of contrasting layers and diversity and it's this rare combination that makes the city such a place of transformation.

“And when you combine all these factors you can create legacies that will last long after the business event is over – research collaborations, policy delivery, membership engagement and empowered employees – which ultimately drive our clients' growth and performance.

“Melbourne is an enabler of opportunity and a creator of endless possibilities – that's The Melbourne Effect – and we encourage meeting and event planners looking for a destination to host their next business event to come and experience it for themselves.”

Ms Bolinger concluded by saying that the new branding would be rolled out across digital and print platforms over the coming months across all target markets.

“Launching The Melbourne Effect at IMEX is just the start of what we believe will be a very powerful and engaging campaign to continue to market Melbourne as a world-leading conference, meeting and incentives destination.”

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