Tuesday 5 May 2015


The Shane Warne Foundation is hosting a very special gala dinner including a three course dinner, beverages, entertainment including Guy Sebastian performing live, silent and live auctions at Vibe Hotel Marysville.

Falling Leaves Gala Dinner

Vibe Hotel Marysville
Saturday 9 May 2015
Two tickets + room package $1000
Contact info@tswf.com.au to purchase a ticket or enquire

Read more about the event here.

The Shane Warne Foundation

Our mission is to enrich the lives of seriously ill and under privileged children and teenagers in Australia. We are an umbrella organisation, meaning we raise money through the events we run, donations we receive, and corporate sponsorship, and distribute those funds to a diverse cross section of charities and individuals who work hands on in these areas. We do this as it relieves the constant burden of fund raising faced by these great organizations and people, so they can effectively handle the day to day needs of the brave children they support. Read more.

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