Friday 17 October 2014

Drone technology ‘photo bombs’ Sunshine Coast’s new destination campaign

While drones are usually associated with sophisticated bombing exercises, drones have been deployed for a far more peaceful mission – the shooting of the Sunshine Coast’s new destination marketing campaign.

The new campaign is being launched today, and the 60 second commercial will air in major source markets for the Sunshine Coast from Sunday 12 October.

The range of videos and background to the campaign can be viewed at –

Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd (SCDL) and Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) commissioned leading advertising agency Mojo, Taxi Film Production to film the natural icons of the region including the Pumicestone Passage, Glasshouse Mountains, Noosa National Park and Carlo Sandblow. The filming also included- attractions such as the popular Eumundi Markets and historic Hinterland town of Montville.

The commercial was directed by Justin McMillan, a specialist in 3D, aerial and destination film-work, well-known for his TV show 'Storm Surfers'.

Justin follows the story of the ‘Wandering Tattler’, a bird that migrates from the cold and ice of the northern America winter to the Sunshine Coast for a rejuvenating break. To capture the feeling of the Wandering Tattler surveying the diverse and dramatic terrain of the Sunshine Coast, drone technology was used to provide a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the destination.

The million dollar marketing campaign will air this weekend in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, with New Zealand scheduled for 2015.

Footage from the shoot will be used extensively on TV and through other traditional and online media as well as across Sunshine Coast Destination’s online and social media channels.

Commenting on the campaign, Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd (SCDL), CEO Simon Ambrose said that the new technology was the best means of capturing the dramatic natural beauty of the Sunshine Coast.

“The campaign fits in very well with our ‘Naturally Refreshing’ branding and provides an evocative bird’s eye view of the Sunshine Coast’s natural attractions,” he said.

“Our research told us that people weren’t aware of the scale of the natural icons and experiences that can be enjoyed on the Sunshine Coast. We want this campaign to educate and inspire visitors to go beyond our superb beaches and explore the region’s incredibly diverse range of attractions.

“The Wandering Tattler proved the ideal role model, as it has returned to the Sunshine Coast annually for thousands of years, making the most of the perfect climate, the rich food sources and the spectacularly diverse range of landscapes.”
Queensland Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games, Jann Stuckey, said the marketing push is one of the largest for the destination to date.

“This is an exciting marketing concept for the Sunshine Coast and will build on the momentum of recent visitor growth to the region in the lead up to summer,” Ms Stuckey said.

“During the past financial year, the region welcomed 2.8 million domestic visitors, a five per cent increase on the previous year.”

TEQ CEO Leanne Coddington said, “The campaign perfectly positions the Sunshine Coast’s tourism assets under the ‘Naturally refreshing’ brand.
“The campaign will commence screening online and across social media from this Sunday 12 October and will also run on TV, print, cinema and outdoor.”

The campaign will include:
  • Targeting residents in key interstate markets – Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
  • A competition to win a 5 day holiday for four people to enjoy all the Sunshine Coast experiences as shown in the television advertisement.
  • The campaign will also partner with Jetstar to advertise via print, digital and a 15 second television advertisement in Sydney and Melbourne with tactical messaging to fly direct to the Sunshine Coast.
  • The campaign will be extended to the New Zealand market in early 2015.



The campaign was produced in partnership between Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd and Tourism and Events Queensland. Directed by Justin McMillan, the campaign worked with other Queensland based companies including creative agency – Mojo, film production – Taxi, editing - Cutting Edge and Universal McCann was the media agency.

Story line

Animals have a brilliant way of refreshing themselves: it’s called migration. Birds including the Wandering Tattler fly somewhere warm, relaxing, full of good food and shelter – and travel there regularly. This is exactly the same reason why Australians travel to the Sunshine Coast. It’s a place to unwind, relax, enjoy the sunshine, produce and experience natural attractions.


Digital cameras tethered to the latest remote-controlled drones otherwise known as unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV) were used to capture unique footage of the Sunshine Coast natural attractions. This technology was perfect for providing a bird’s eye view of landscapes such as the Glass House Mountains, Pumicestone Passage, the Hinterland villages and the Noosa National Park. Drones work particularly well as an intimate aerial tool; great for getting up close to the environment and engaging the audience. Drones are still in their infancy in Australia and require a CASA certified pilot with a UAV license to operate the technology.


The latest use of computer generated imagery (CGI) was applied to create the visual scenes of the birds in the advertisement. Commonly used for creating scenes or special effects in films and television, the CGI application allowed the advertisement to still retain high quality production values and re-create an interactive environment and real impact for the viewer.


The music score was developed specifically for the campaign by Brisbane based composer, Ryan Walsh. Interestingly it was recorded by an Eastern European orchestra who regularly work on compositions for Hollywood movies.


Media will include a major focus through online and social media platforms but will also include television advertisements, print, cinema and outdoor media. The campaign will target key markets Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. It will also be rolled out in New Zealand in early 2015.


The campaign went live on Sunday 12 October, 2014

Full information and videos:

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