Sunday 4 October 2020


New Zealanders from COVID-19 free areas will be allowed to travel to Australia under a one-way trans-Tasman ‘bubble’ starting Friday 16 October.

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack today announced that Stage One of the plan would allow New Zealanders to travel to NSW and the Northern Territory.

“This will allow New Zealanders and other residents in New Zealand who have not been in an area designated as a COVID-19 hotspot in New Zealand in the preceding 14 days to travel quarantine-free to Australia,” Mr McCormack said.

“The Department of Health has undertaken a public health risk assessment of COVID-19 in New Zealand, which indicated that New Zealand posed a low risk of COVID-19 transmission to Australia.”

Although the travel bubble currently only covers New Zealand, Mr McCormack said the Australian Government is working with several Pacific Island nations to potentially extend the bubble.

New Zealanders will still be required to quarantine for two weeks when they return to New Zealand. The changes do not allow Australians to travel to New Zealand at this time.

Destination NSW

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