Wednesday 7 October 2020

Noshiro Tanabata Festival in Noshito, Japan

Be awed by the majesty and intricate details of these gigantic “castles in the sky that never sleep” as they are paraded during the Noshiro Tanabata festival in Noshito, Akita prefecture. 

Accompanied by boisterous drumming and flute-playing, this summer festival in early August showcases a series of towering “toro” (castle-shaped lanterns).

Adorned with colourful mythical creatures, the tallest “toro” in Japan is called Chikasue, which stands at 24m high!

This video lets you truly appreciate the intricate art emblazoned on a “toro” as it is paraded through the night.

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
Website: Visit Japan Now

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