Thursday 2 June 2016

Tixatsix -- cheap tickets for shows in Melbourne

A new access initiative by Arts Centre Melbourne, tixatsix, promises a minimum of 20 tickets per show per night across its venues at just $30 each.

Beginning May 18, tixatsix can be accessed by visiting the Theatres Building Box Office on St Kilda Road every night of the week at 6pm to see what tickets are available for that evening’s performances. First in, best price, every night.

Tixatsix is designed to encourage people to experience the arts for the first time, and provide added incentive for existing audiences and loyal fans to return for more. The initiative will see tickets for all performances at Arts Centre Melbourne venues each night, including the Theatres Building under the Spire (housing the State Theatre, Playhouse and Fairfax Studio), Hamer Hall and Sidney Myer Music Bowl.

Performances will include Arts Centre Melbourne Presents shows, plus performances from major presenters and collaborators across all genres of performance, including popular and classical music, classical and contemporary dance, musical theatre, opera and more.

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