China Outdoor a Mega Market of the Future
Originating from the European Outdoor Show, the Asia Outdoor Trade Show has been successfully held as an international professional trade show since 2006, and has become an annual carnival for the outdoor tourism industry. Features will be a climbing competition, fashion show, and tent city
Outdoor Is Still A Quite New Market In China.
Since 2002 an enormous dynamic has ensued. An average growth of 25-30% per year is considered normal. If all typical outdoor sport segments would be added up, the Chinese market volume in 2010 would amount to 10-11 billion RMB (approximately 1.63 billion A$). High growth rates are noted in the northern provinces, in the middle and in western China. Experts estimate that China’s outdoor market will reach 30-40 billion RMB (approx. 4.75-6.4 billion A$) in 2020 and thus be on position no. 3 in the world, right after USA and Europe.
2 Trade Shows At The Same Time
The 6th “Asia Outdoor” will occupy 3 halls approximately 35,000 sqm. The organizers expect between 17,000 and 18,000 outdoor visitors and 390 outdoor exhibitors in 2011. The “Asia Outdoor” show this year will be combined with the new "Asia Bike" show in Nanjing. The first “Asia Bike” in Nanjing will be allocated to a hall of 12,000 square meters right next door to the “Asia Outdoor” show.
The City of Nanjing

Nanjing International Expo Center
At the end of 2008 a new 5-star exhibition centre was opened in Nanjing. As one of the most modern exhibition and fair-grounds in China. the International Expo Centre is located in Nanjing Hexi New Town, within sight of the Olympic Sports Park (venue for the Youth Olympic Games 2014).
Nanjing Hexi New Town constitutes the modern part of Nanjing on the Yangtze River. The fair visitors can reach the new Nanjing Expo Centre from Nanjing Down Town via subway within 10-20 minutes. The entrances of the 2 subway lines are just 5 minutes off from the exhibition centre. The new expo centre has hotels close by, and is near to the highway and the airport.
Nanjing Hexi New Town constitutes the modern part of Nanjing on the Yangtze River. The fair visitors can reach the new Nanjing Expo Centre from Nanjing Down Town via subway within 10-20 minutes. The entrances of the 2 subway lines are just 5 minutes off from the exhibition centre. The new expo centre has hotels close by, and is near to the highway and the airport.
For more information see the website