Monday 3 August 2020


Thousands of new jobs, great design and high-quality public places are on the horizon for Parramatta as plans for the CBD’s revitalisation reach a major milestone. 

The NSW Government and City of Parramatta Council have progressed the plan that will guide a vibrant and strong future for Greater Sydney’s second CBD, as part of the NSW Government’s COVID Recovery Plan.

The proposal will lay the foundation for planning changes to unlock 50,000 new jobs, 14,000 new homes, well-designed buildings and great public spaces for locals, workers and visitors to enjoy. 

Minister for Planning Rob Stokes said: “From increased building heights for a dynamic city skyline, to almost two million sqm of new commercial floorspace, new cultural spaces and fantastic public spaces, this proposal will shape the Parramatta CBD for generations to come.”

Destination NSW

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