Monday 22 June 2020


As business activity across NSW continues to pick up, tourism operators are reminded to follow all NSW Government and health advice.
The NSW Government continues to publish updated advice in line with the current Public Health Orders to best inform businesses and individuals about their responsibilities - refer to for the latest updates.
Businesses can undertake a simple three-step process to declare themselves as “COVID Safe”:
  1. Complete a COVID-19 Safety Plan following the industry-specific or general checklist provided by the NSW Government
  2. Self-register as COVID Safe online (must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan)
  3. Publicise COVID Safe status through on site posters and digital badges for social media, website and Google Maps
Destination NSW has compiled industry-specific advice that is relevant to the tourism sector below, as at 19 June 2020.
Some restrictions will be eased from 1 July 2020 - Destination NSW has confirmed the following changes for tourism industry operators and will share more information as it becomes available. From 1 July, the capacity of many indoor venues will be guided by the one person per 4 square metre rule
Cultural and sporting events at outdoor venues with a maximum capacity of 40,000 will be allowed up to 25 percent of their normal capacity. Events must be ticketed and seated and follow strict guidelines.


Accommodation and hotels (including holiday homes and holiday rentals)
  • Accommodation services may be offered without restriction
  • Operators must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under Public Health Orders for specific in-house facilities including:
    • Restaurants and cafes
    • Swimming pools
    • Gyms
    • Beauty, nail, tanning and hairdressing salons
  • Holiday homes and holiday rentals
    • up to 20 people may stay in a holiday home or holiday rental - from 1 July no upper limit (but respecting the one person per 4 square metre rule)
    • more than 20 people can stay in a holiday home or holiday rental if they are all members of the same household
Amusement centres and entertainment facilities (including theatres, cinemas and concert halls)
  • Can reopen from 1 July. Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders
  • Capacity must not exceed one customer per 4 square metres
Bars, pubs, clubs, cellar doors and micro-breweries
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people entering the premises
  • Capacity must not exceed 50 customers or one customer per 4 square metres (excluding staff) per existing separate seated food or drink area, whichever is the lesser. Venues may have multiple existing seated areas - from 1 July no upper limit (but respecting 4sqm rule)
  • Maximum of 20 people per booking (except for a gathering for, or following, a funeral or memorial service) - any update still to be determined
  • Food and/or alcohol can only be consumed by seated customers
  • Bowlers on the green are not counted in the total number of persons on the premises (there can be no more than 20 bowlers on the green at any one time)
Cafes and restaurants (including food courts)
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people entering the premises
  • Capacity must not exceed 50 customers or one customer per 4 square metres in an existing seated dining area, whichever is the lesser - from 1 July no upper limit (but respecting 4sqm rule)
  • Maximum of 20 people per individual group (except for a gathering for, or following, a funeral or memorial service) - any update still to be determined
  • Food and/or alcohol can only be consumed by seated customers
Caravan parks and camping grounds
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people entering the premises
  • There is no limit to the number of customers that caravan parks or camping grounds can accommodate
  • Communal areas where people gather must maintain capacity limits of one person per 4 square metres
  • COVID-19 Safety Plans must be in place for swimming pools and restaurants and cafes
  • Visitors staying at the grounds may have guests but the total number of people at each outdoor gathering should not exceed 20
  • If you are visiting a national park camping ground you must book ahead
Commercial vessels (including tours, functions and parties)
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people boarding the vessel
  • Commercial scuba diving and snorkelling, whale/dolphin/marine animal watching tours:
    • capacity must not exceed 50 customers excluding crew - from 1 July no upper limit (but respecting 4sqm rule)
  • All other commercial tours (including functions and parties):
    • must not exceed 50 customers plus crew, or one customer per 4 square metres including crew, whichever is the lesser - from 1 July no upper limit (but respecting 4sqm rule)
Community centres and halls (including meeting and conference rooms)
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people entering the premises
  • Capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres including staff members
  • Classes or organised events must not have more than 20 participants, excluding the persons conducting or assisting in the conduct of the class or event - from 1 July no upper limit (but respecting 4sqm rule)
Galleries and museums
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people entering the premises
  • Capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres including staff members
  • Any indoor cinema, theatre or theatrette must remain closed
National parks and state forests
  • National parks and state forests in NSW may open with no capacity limitations 
  • Visitors must practice physical distancing and remain at least 1.5m from any other person (not from the same household)
  • Food markets are open without restrictions
  • For non-food markets (including artisan, clothing and craft markets): 
    • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders
    • Capacity must not exceed one customer per 4 square metres
    • Physical distancing and good hand hygiene should be followed at all times to keep everyone safe
Retail stores
  • Capacity must not exceed one customer per 4 square metres
Sports, recreation and gyms
  • Recreational activities including fishing, hunting and use of skate parks and BMX bike tracks are allowed
  • Golf is permitted where no more than 20 people are gathered - any update still to be determined
  • Indoor recreation facilities such as squash courts, gyms, table tennis centres and health studios can operate but must:
    • Have a COVID-19 Safety Plan
    • Classes or organised events can have 20 or less participants (excluding staff) - any update still to be determined
    • Capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres
  • Swimming pools can open but must:
    • Have a COVID-19 Safety Plan
    • Capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres
Tour operators (including bus and private tours)
  • Tour operators (including bus tours) are permitted to carry out business but must limit public gatherings to 20 or less participants
  • Operators must observe health advice including maintaining a physical distance of at least 1.5 metres from others
Weddings and funerals
  • Weddings can proceed according to the following:
    • Capacity must not exceed 20 guests (including adults and children) plus the couple, the people conducting or assisting in the conduct of the wedding, a photographer and videographer
    • People attending will be required to provide their name and contact details so that they can be used for contact tracing
  • The maximum number of people permitted for a funeral or memorial service, or gathering immediately after a service, is determined by one person per 4 square metres capacity guidelines
Zoos, reptile parks and aquariums
  • Must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan under the Public Health Orders that includes keeping a record of all people entering the premises
  • Capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres. In calculating the area of the premises, animal enclosures must be excluded
  • Tours should involve no more than 20 visitors per group - any update still to be determined
  • Any indoor cinema on the premises must remain closed·        .
Any other operators who are not restricted from operating by current Public Health Orders should observe the general health advice regarding physical distancing and hygiene measures.
The general plan linked contains actions applicable to most workplaces, and will be a useful guide to getting back to business and keeping staff, workers, customers and visitors safe.

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