Tuesday 11 June 2019


Image credit: Dr McAllister surveying the
Correio da Azia on the Ningaloo Reef.
Credit to WA Museum
As part of Free Entry for Locals Day on Tuesday 11 June, the Museum of Tropical Queensland's underwater archaeologist Dr Maddy McAllister will talk about the history of maritime archaeology and the extraordinary achievements of scientists in this field from all over the world.

The advent of the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCUBA) in the 1940s suddenly opened up a deeper world of underwater exploration and shipwrecks that once lay beyond the easy reach of humans became accessible. At the same time, scientists took to the water and a relatively new discipline of archaeology - maritime archaeology - was born. Since then, underwater archaeologists have achieved incredible feats of investigation and excavation in pursuit of knowledge of our past.

Come along to hear Dr Maddy McAllister (Senior Curator, Maritime Archaeology) describe the achievements of the founders of this field from the earliest excavations along the Turkish coast, to the rare and unique discoveries of the Mary Rose and the Vasa, to the pivotal role that Australia had in the 1970s and what we can do know with advanced technology at our fingertips.

This talk is part of Free Entry for Locals Day. On Tuesday 11 June admission is free to the Museum for all Townsville, Burdekin, Charters Towers and Hinchinbrook residents.

Proof of residency required. Entry is also free for Annual Pass holders.

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