Saturday 19 January 2019

Western Students Receiving a ‘GROUNDED’ Education in Asia

Travel service suppliers in Asia are becoming niche. In Bangkok, GROUND has been launched to supply pan-Asian educational experiences and placements for secondary school, college and university students whose courses require that they get hands-on experience ‘in the field,’ not just the classroom. 

For example, GROUND arranges for students to build school facilities in Cambodia, provide clean water to villagers in Laos and help mangrove conservation in Bali. Programs can be sophisticated. 

In November, GROUND took 10 Australian biomedical students and two teachers to the Sri Lankan capital to take part in seminars about microbiology and biotechnology. 

The students visited a leading university medical facility and a private sector research lab. 

They debated medical research development with Sri Lankan researchers and lecturers and visiting students from Edinburgh’s Napier University. More.

Source: ScottAsia Communications

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