Sunday 20 January 2019

Seriously Protecting Nature in Southeast Asia

  • Cardamom Tented Camp a Finalist in WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia has been chosen as one of 15 global finalists in the World Travel and Tourism Council’s Tourism for Tomorrow Awards 2019, announced 15 January. 

The camp is one of three contenders in the Changemakers Award category, which, this year, is focussed on fighting illegal wildlife trade through sustainable tourism. 

Since opening in 2017, the Cardamom Tented Camp has integrated the role of 12 forest rangers into the camp’s guest experience. 

The winners of the 2019 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards will be announced during the awards ceremony at the WTTC Global Summit in Seville, Spain, 3-4 April 2019. 

Watch the finalists announcement video here.

Source: ScottAsia Communications

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