Tuesday 16 February 2016

Baika-sai – The Plum Festival heralding the start of Spring- 25 Feb 2016

To commemorate the memorial day of Michizane Sugawara, a Heian-period court officer who loved plum flower very much, a special ceremony is held to console his spirit.

On this day, a large scale outdoor tea ceremony party is held here. Geiko and maiko from the nearby Kamishichiken district serve bowls of tea for visitors. Baika-sai heralds the beginning of spring to Kyoto.

This Shrine's treasury is also open to the public on this day as well as a huge monthly market.

Date: 25 Feb Tea ceremony held 10:00-15:00
Access: Kyoto City Bus #50 "Kitano Tenmangu-mae"
Tickets: 1,500 yen including tea ceremony

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