Monday 20 July 2015

Tourists flock to Kokopo to watch mask festival

National Mask Festival
Scores of tourists are in Kokopo to watch the National Mask Festival in East New Britain, according to chairman of the festival and the Tolai Warwagira John Robin.

He estimated the number to be around 700, the biggest number to come and “learn and capture moments of the festival”.

He thanked those who helped make it happen.

“We thought we could not make it but our stakeholders gave a positive response and we are able to run the show,” he said.

Robin said last year the festival committee spent K600,000 to host the South Pacific Cultural show, Mask Festival and Tolai Warwagira.

This year, the Government and the National Cultural Commission gave K40,000 each.

The committee was able to raise K280,000 from fundraising events during the year.

A Kinavai performance by Tubuans from Rabaul district yesterday was followed by 14 Tubuans from ENB.

The National Mask Festival ends this afternoon.

It will be followed by the three-day Tolai Warwagira.

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