Monday 20 July 2015

Over 50% of foreign tourists choose Peru as destination for vacation

About 28% of foreign tourists visiting Peru stay from four to seven nights, and 20% of them spend up to US$1,000, the Hotel Association of Peru (SHP) informed.

A recent report by SHP, based on a study conducted by Peru’s Export and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru), states that 29% of tourists stay from one to three nights; 23% spend from eight to 14 nights and, 14% from 15 to 29 nights, while only 6% of visitors stay more than 29 nights.

On the other hand, 45% of tourists spend less than US$500 on average, 14% spend between US$1,000 and US$1,499, 8% spend from US$1,500 to US$1,999, 5% spend between US$2,000 and US$2,499 and, over 8% spend between US$2,500 and more.

It should be noted that 57% of tourists visiting Peru choose the country as their destination for vacation, recreation and leisure, 18% for business, 15% for visiting relatives and friends, 3% for medical treatments, seminars or conferences and, 4% for other reasons.

As for the type of accommodation, 35% of tourists stay at three-star hotels, 34% at one or two-star hotels, 25% at four or five-star hotels, 18% at a relative or friend’s house, and the rest at boarding houses, lodgings or camping grounds.

Most visitors come from Chile (33%) and the United States (16%).

SHP General Manager Tibisay Monsalve says the country will host a series of major international meetings in the following years.

According to official statistics by the International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA), Peru is about to triple the number of international events held in the past ten years, totaling 84 as of 2014.

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