Tuesday 21 July 2015

National Park offers free Saturday hikes

American Samoa
The National Park of American Samoa is offering free ranger-led Saturday hikes through to mid-September, with free shuttles to transport hikers from their visitor center in Pago Pago to the trails.

Five different hikes are being offered on the following dates:
  • July 25 Pola Island Trail / View Points, Vatia; August 1 Lower Sauma Trail, Vatia; 
  • August 8 Tuafanua Trail, Vatia; 
  • August 15 Mount ‘Alava Trail, Fagasā Pass; 
  • August 22 World War II Heritage Trail, Gataivai; 
  • August 29 Pola Island Trail / View Points, Vatia; 
  • September 5 Lower Sauma Trail, Vatia; 
  • September 12 Tuafanua Trail, Vatia; 
  • September 19 Mount ‘Alava Trail, Fagasā Pass. 

These hikes provide participants with opportunities to experience the national park within lush tropical rainforests with vistas that overlook Tutuila.

National park rangers will lead these hikes and share a variety of fun topics about the natural and culture wonders of American Samoa.

“We look forward to welcoming residents and visitors to their national park,” said Chief of Interpretation and Education Michael Larson. “These hikes begin our celebration of the National Park Service’s centennial celebration from now through 2016. It’s a chance for everyone to get outside to explore, connect, and find your national park.”

Space is limited to 28 participants per hike and sign up is required by either phoning +1-684-633-7082, ext. 22 or email npsa_info@nps.gov

The Saturday hikes are made possible through the generous support of the national park’s non-profit partner - the Hawai’i Pacific Parks Association (www.hawaiipacificparks.org).

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