Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fig and lotus seed in Tinh Tam Lake (Thua Thien – Hue Province) among the top 50 Vietnamese specialties 2015

the fig
Viet Nam Record Organization has announced the top 50 Vietnamese specialties 2015, includes figs and lotus seeds in Tinh Tam Lake (Thua Thien – Hue Province).

Fig tree is planted much in Thua Thien – Hue Province and is indispensable dish of Hue people. The young fig is green and the ripe fig is red. White pulp, which is inside the fig, is used to cook.

According to Oriental medicine, the fig is sweet, pharmaceutical feature to prevent and treat constipation, dysentery, hemorrhoids, diuretic; good for dieters thanks to high fiber and low energy. The fig contains a lot of omega 3, omega 6 and phenol, which help to prevent cardiovascular disease, provide calcium to strengthen bones, stabilize blood sugar… Root and leaves of the fig have antidotal effect.

The lotus is planted very much in Thua Thien – Hue Province, but the lotus seed in Tinh Tam Lake (Imperial City, Hue City) is the most delicious, because Tinh Tam Lake has different soil structure in the bottom layer and rich alluvium. The lotus seed in the lake is more flavorful, buttery and sweeter than in other areas. In the feudal period, lotus is grown in Tinh Tam Lake to process specialties for Nguyen Dynasty’s kings.

lotus seed
Since long time ago, the lotus seed is considered as a good food for health and rich nutrient. According to Oriental medicine, the lotus seed is sweet and includes main components such as: starch, raffinose glucose, amino acids which has effects of anodyne, fortifying kidney and spleen… The lotus seed also has many fatty acids to lower blood pressure, alkaloids to strengthen hearts, liensinine to stabilize heart rhythm, prevent tumors...

In addition, the lotus seed and root contain a special enzyme that slows the aging process.

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