Sunday 21 March 2021

Crystalbrook Collection Proudly Supports Beyond Blue to Provide Mental Health Support for Australians

Leading Australian sustainable hospitality company Crystalbrook Collection has partnered with Beyond Blue to raise much-needed funds for Australians in need of mental health support as a result of COVID-19.

Crystalbrook Collection launched a give-back campaign via their website in July 2020, pledging to donate $5 from every booking made online to mental health and wellbeing support organisation, Beyond Blue. The initiative has raised more than $26,000, which Beyond Blue says will directly assist more than 552 people seeking mental health support.

Geoff York, Chief Executive Officer for Crystalbrook Collection, said: “We saw how severely the travel and hospitality industry was affected, with 88% of workers suffering from increased stress and anxiety due to the effects of the pandemic and lockdown periods*. Our industry is not alone in these hardships and we saw our partnership with Beyond Blue as an important lever to support the mental health of all Australians.”

Beyond Blue is a leader in providing information and support services to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health. Founded by Jeff Kennett and Chaired by The Hon Julia Gillard AC, the not-for-profit agency responded quickly to providing increased services to address the needs of Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During 2020, Beyond Blue received a 42% increase in calls to the support service.

Initiatives including Crystalbrook Collection's donation program funds Beyond Blue's 24/7 Support Service, allowing increased services to be offered to all Australians during unprecedented times of demand.



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