Friday, 12 June 2020

'Good to Go' campaign rolls out across Queensland

TEQ's 'Queensland, You're Good to Go' campaign is in full swing, with print and digital advertising rolling out across the state.

All this week, Nine News Queensland's 4:00pm and 6:00pm news bulletins have been featuring live weather crosses showcasing tourism destinations around the state, while out-of-home advertising has gone live across Queensland - all designed to inspire Queenslanders to explore the very best of their own backyard, particularly during the June/July school holidays and beyond.

The campaign TV commercial, featuring Queensland musicians Busby Marou, is set to kick off from Sunday, 14 June and has been filmed at locations across Queensland, including Cape Hillsborough (pictured above).

The campaign, which targets holiday visitors and those travelling overnight to reconnect with friends and relatives, is also running across social media and radio. TEQ has also partnered with several retail distribution partners to provide significant offers.

The launch of TEQ's new campaign has gone hand-in-hand with the launch of our brand-new website, marketing Queensland's tourism and events experiences, which is already seeing an increase in engagement.

Key features of the redesigned and rebuilt include its use of world-leading technology to deliver personalised web experiences for aspiring travellers. Insights gathered from the new website will be valuable in the development of marketing campaigns such as the Good to Go campaign currently in the market.

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