Wednesday 10 April 2019

Billabong Retreat Founder launches Mindfulness Show in Sydney

Paul Von Bergen, founder of Billabong Retreat will hold the Mindfulness Show on 18 May between 2 – 5 pm at the Entertainment Quarter Moore Park.

This interactive show will mash and smash the topics of neuroscience with spirituality, finding purpose with coping when stressed, evolutionary biology with ancient wisdom, connecting heart and mind, and of course, the big ones, living with wellness and dying content.

The three-hour show takes the audience on a thought-provoking journey from the big bang fourteen billion years ago to modern life in Australia today, stopping off at the main stages of our evolutionary history and exploring ancient wisdom along the way.

The Mindfulness Show will feature discussions, music, theatre skits, videos and easy meditations. The show will seek to understand what it means to be a Homosapien on the planet today including where we came from and where we’re going. Through exploration of our shared evolutionary and cultural history the show will ask the simple question, what can we learn about living healthier, happier and more content lives?

Questions the show answers:
  • What does it mean to be made of stardust?
  • Are there other dimensions to time and space and is this more important than a good frittata recipe?
  • Are bacteria really running the world?
  • Are humans more reptile and mammal than anything else?
  • What is love and how do we use it?
  • Which part of the human brain is significantly different to our closest primate cousins and is it worth using that part more?
  • What can we learn from the ancient eastern and western traditions taught by Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, Hippocrates, Epictetus, Lao Tzu and Confucius?
  • What do more modern teachers such as the sufi poet Rumi, Leonardo de Vinci, Shakespeare, Freud, Einstein, Gandhi and Mark Twain have to say about living life and are there some common threads that we might benefit from?
  • Can we apply some of the latest scientific understandings of neuroplasticity, epigenetics, neuro-immune biology and metacognition to live longer more content lives?
  • How can I create a strong immune system to avoid dis-ease?
  • What do I want to be thinking when I die?

This show is all about making our lives easier, healthier and more content so when our last day comes and the final curtain closes we will be confident that we can say yes, I lived my life well, yes I climbed the right ladder, yes I made a difference, yes, I am content, goodbye.

The show is not for profit and all proceeds are going to A Sound Life charity to provide joy and laughter to kids in hospital through music and yoga. Paul von Bergen and Billabong Retreat are not being paid. Tickets are priced based at $100.

This is a zero waste event - bring your own cup or mug and a small plate to enjoy some delicious afternoon tea.

Only 200 tickets available for this initial show.

The Mindfulness Show 
18 May 2019, 2pm to 5pm
A Sound Life Dome, Show Ring, Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park, Sydney

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