Monday 4 January 2016

The Capital theatre is Alive with the Sound of Music

2015 was a special year for Rodgers and Hammerstein’s THE SOUND OF MUSIC. It was the 50th anniversary of the release of the film version starring Julie Andres and Christopher Plummer. This film won 5 Oscars, including Best Picture.

This London Palladium Production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC at the Capital Theatre in Sydney is a delight for the senses with a wonderful cast appearing live on stage with uplifting music, singing and dancing in front of glorious scenery and costumes.

Many people will have seen THE SOUND OF MUSIC numerous times before. However, for many younger folk this will be the first time they will have the opportunity to see it live on stage. They will not be disappointed.  The singing and dancing, drama and comedy will delight all ages from the very young to the not quite so young.

There are some minor differences in this stage production to the film version of THE SOUND OF MUSIC. There is no garden gazebo to sing and dance in, some songs are added or deleted, or the order of their singing changed. This has come about from combining some of the aspects from the original Broadway musical and the film version. I am sure the reference to the storm troopers is brought about by the release of the new Star Wars film.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC is based on the true story of the von Trapp family in Austria. It is set in 1938 tells the story of Maria, a novice nun, whose youthful exuberance, love of singing and the mountains causes some concern for the other nuns. The Mother Abbess decides it is best to send Maria to the home of retired naval officer Captain Georg von Trapp to be governess to his seven children. The children, and Captain von Trapp, eventually fall in love with Maria.

Many of the lead roles in THE SOUND OF MUSIC are played by well known Australians.

Maria is played by AMY LEHPAMER. I was worried that the person chosen to play Maria in this stage production would fall far short of Julie Andrew portrayal of Maria in the movie. It was during the first song sung by Amy that I soon stopped comparing her to Julie. She was an exceptional Maria in her own right. She brought about the abounding youthful energy, cheekiness, enthusiasm, and warmth that made Maria come alive. And yes, her singing is a delight to hear, especially her rendition  of the title song "The Sound of Music".  (The last time I saw Amy on stage was when she played Janet in The Rocky Horror Show, a very different role to that of Maria.) 

Playing Captain von Trapp is played by CAMERON DADDO who has been in many TV shows, movies, and stage productions. You may remember him as a host of the Perfect Match TV show. Perhaps he is a little too nice and and likeable to be the stern authoritative sea Captain. However he interacts well on stage with his children and the 2 women involved in his life. 

MARINA PRIOR plays the Baroness Schraeder. Marina, well known for her other musical roles and singing at Carols by Candlelight for many years, sings beautifully. She graces the stage and makes room for Maria to become involved with the children and von Trapp.

Unfortunately, LORRAINE BAYLY who plays the housekeeper Frau Schmidt, was not on stage the night I saw the Sound of Music. Lorraine is well known for her TV roles in the Sullivans and Carson's Law, her role in the Man From Snow River movie, and her appearances in many theatre productions.

JACQUI DARK, the well known opera singer,  plays the Mother Abbess, and steals the show with her powerful rendition of "Climb Ev'ry Mountain".

The Captains 7 children are a key part in the drama and fun antics on stage. STEFAN JONES plays Liesl, the 16 year old girl going on 17. In reality, Stephaine is a few years older than 16, and has appeared in many other musical productions since she was a a child. Initially rejecting Maria, she soon welcomes care and advice. The 6 younger ones are played by 3 different sets of children, so that they have days off in-between their appearances to rest. The ones I saw were brilliant, each displaying their on individual characteristics, and didn't mess up their lines once. 

DAVID JAMES plays Max Detweiler, the scheming, profiteering agent, and brings some moments of comedy to the show.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC has many well known songs, including "My Favorite Things", "Do-Re-Mi", "The Lonely Goatherd", "Sixteen Going on Seventeen", and of course the title song "The Sound of Music". The live orchestra provides a wonderful accompaniment for each of these songs making each of them a delight to hear.

The sets are lavish and provide the appropriate backdrops for all the scenes - the Abbey, interior and external walls of the mansion, garden, and hilltop. Of cause, little has to be done to alter the Capital Theatre into the Austrian Festival Hall for the The Salzburg Festival music competition. Just a matter of unfurling some red banners.

A good musical transports you to another place and time. There was one spot in the second half of THE SOUND OF MUSIC when I monetarily I forgot I was seeing a musical. I joined the others with my enthusiastic applauding in the concert scene thinking I was at actually at the concert. I pulled myself up suddenly when I remembered that this was just a stage show I was watching, not the original concert in Austria.

The audience responded wholeheartedly with a standing ovation at the curtain call, clapping and singing along with the music as the cast made their bows.

After the show I asked some of the audience members what they thought of it. "Terrific" was a simple one word answer from one person, and "the most beautify thing I have ever seen" from other.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC is so good that my wife, children and mother-in-law are going to see it. If you live in other states in Australia you can make seeing it a highlight of you holiday break in Sydney, or wait to later in the year to see it when it goes to Queensland, Victoria and South Australia.  Being part of the audience of THE SOUND OF MUSIC will be one of the favourite things you will do this year.


Running Time: 2.35hrs, incl 20 min interval
Presented by; Andrew Lloyd Weber, David Ian, John Frost, and The Really Useful Group. 
Now Playing in Sydney at the Capital Theatre
Sydney Performance Times - Wednesday 1pm & 8pm; Thursday 8pm; Friday 8pm; Saturday 2pm & 8pm; Sunday 1pm & 6pm
BOOK NOW at Ticketmaster or call 1300 723 038 · Locate an outlet
GROUPS 12+ SAVE! Phone 1300 889 278 or enquire online
Other States: Brisbane from 11 March; Melbourne from13 May; Adelaide 9 from August

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