Sunday 3 January 2016

Shanghai to Adopt 144-Hour Visa-Free Policy

Coming in 2016, Shanghai is expected to extend its visa-free transit policy from 72 to 144 hours.

Since the implementation of 72-hour visa-free stay policy in January 2013, more than 100,000 visitors have taken advantage of the policy. The success of this program has led the government to look favorably on the extension.

The allowed stay duration is expected to be 144 hours, while the requirements remain the same. This will enable visitors to arrange their travel with more flexibility. The new policy is expected to cover Hangzhou and Nanjing – visitors will be able to enter and leave from any of the three cities. The transit port will not be limited to Shanghai’s airports, which means that cruise ships and train passengers will also be able enjoy this policy.

Following the trend of globalization, the government is continuing to steps to lower the barriers between China and friendly visitors from around the world.

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