Friday 7 February 2014

Tourism can become Malaysia’s second highest source of revenue: MATTA

Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Matta) president Hamzah Rahmat said in an interview with Bernama after the just-concluded Asean Tourism Forum (ATF) 2014 in Kuching,, that he would like the Malaysian Government to pay “greater attention” to tourism which was inherent with strong revenue potential.

“Tourism can become Malaysia’s second highest source of revenue after manufacturing if the government paid greater attention to it,” he said, adding that he was “deeply obliged” to the ministry for the opportunity given to Matta to organise the ATF 2014.

Hamzah felt there was room to improve ground transportation by standardising and consolidating licences for ground operators.

He said consideration should be given to putting all aspects of tourism, including transportation, under the ministry, rather than letting several agencies handle the various segments of the sector separately.

Currently, Matta has 2,950 member companies out of the country’s 3,500 licensed tour and travel agents.

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