Thursday 4 March 2021

Rave reviews for Bluebeard's Castle!

"In avoiding lavishness, this production says more through plainness, dramatic power and imaginative musicality, and is a rare chance to hear a 20th century masterpiece. ★★★★½"
The Sydney Morning Herald

" The Premiere... was met with a rapturous response by a thrilled audience. ★★★★½ "

"Topciu’s focused, richly coloured mezzosoprano created a determined, strong-willed Judith while Sumegi’s sonorous, smoky-toned bass-baritone conveyed Bluebeard’s seductive charm and simmering menace."
The Australian

"A triumph... The two singers played their 21st-century roles to near-perfection. ★★★★"

"Sounds glorious... Breath-holding, edge-of-the-seat stuff. ★★★★"
Limelight Magazine


Opera Australia
PO Box 291, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012, Australia

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