Friday 19 March 2021

A Day Trip to Himeshima Island “Princess Island” and Kuruma Ebi Prawns

The spring season is upon us in Oita, and we’re sure there are many of you out there looking for ways to get out of the city and exploring the natural bounty of this prefecture!Lucky for us, Oita has many destinations that will satisfy our need for travel while ensuring we do it safely, and the quiet island of Himeshima is a perfect way to do it. A 20-minute ferry ride from the Kunisaki peninsula will get you to Himeshima island, home to a unique hot spring, fabled legends about a princess, and their famed Kuruma Ebi prawns.

One of the best ways to explore the tiny, 7km long island is by bike or electric car, which you can rent from the rental office across from the Himeshima port. With your new wheels, head to one of the island’s ‘Seven Wonders of Himeshima’ of Hyoshimizu Onsen. This 23°C, naturally carbonated cold water spring is rich in iron and oxidizes when exposed to the air.

The legend of these springs is tied to the name of the Himeshima itself (translated as “Princess Island”), referring to an old legend of a Korean Princess who washed up on its shores after fleeing her country to avoid an unwanted arranged marriage. The princess, looking for a clean water source to brush her teeth, clapped her hands in prayer and out sprung Hyoshimizu!

If you’re keen on dipping into the springs, next door is the island’s only public bathing facility, where you can soak in the same iron-rich springs while looking through unobstructed views of the ocean.

For lunch, treat yourself to an exquisite meal of the island’s main export: the Kuruma Ebi prawns. The family-run restaurant, Moriei, is one of the places you can get a beautiful meal serving prawn in every way imaginable, from deep-fried, grilled, shabu-shabu, and sashimi-style. Prawn season starts from July to January when the island’s three main aquaculture ponds raise these highly-prized delicacies. Visiting during the prawn season also means you can try the local Ebi Odori, literally meaning “prawn dance.” For this “dance”, live prawns are served to your table so you can try them at its freshest.

Whatever the season, Himeshima has plenty in store to complete your full-day excursion. As we look optimistically into the future of travel, we hope that we can welcome you to Oita soon!


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