Friday 5 February 2021


Myanmar Government has now issued its Myanmar Tourism Strategic Recovery Roadmap (MTSRR). Based on the previous Tourism Master Plan (2013-2020), the MTSRR is a response to COVID-19 and aligned with UNWTO Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism. The Roadmap will integrate and expand the new six-pillar Tourism Master Plan outline, and all State and Regional Tourism Committees (RTCs) will develop their own State and Regional Master Plans to reflect the actions in the MTSRR.

The MTSRR includes

A new proposed structure for tourism in our country to be more inclusive and benefit more of the less well off of our citizens, whilst building a framework for new destinations and products.
Action scenarios and the need for change.
About the MTSRR

The impact of COVID-19 is not just about GDP or the economy: it is about our lives and livelihoods. The overriding imperative of our government is to safeguard people’s lives and to safeguard their livelihoods by prioritising health and by supporting our people and businesses affected by lockdowns and loss of income.

Mission for Recovery

To provide a response to COVID-19 aligned with UNWTO guidelines, based on the Myanmar Tourism Master Plan, for Recovery and Future Development of a Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism Sector in Myanmar.

Goals for Recovery

  • Immediate – Restore confidence to boost and restart the domestic industry
  • Medium Term – Rebuild Visitor Demand and Improve Product Offerings
  • Long term – Develop a more resilient, balanced, responsible, and sustainable tourism sector

Strategies & Actions

The MTSRR provides a series of Strategies and specific Actions in order to achieve Immediate, Medium, and Long-Term Goals. There are a total of 18 Strategies, which are divided into 80 specific Actions. The Strategies and Actions are not static and will be constantly reviewed and changed, the uncertainties around COVID-19 are a reality of the need for constant change and review.

Immediate Strategy: Restore confidence to boost and restart the domestic tourism sector
  1. Enhance health and safety protocols to generate trust in Myanmar as a safe destination
  2. Continue economic support to MSMEs and individuals in the tourism sector
  3. Reassure and inspire the public to travel again and explore new experiences
  4. Re-align tourism destinations to “the new normal”
  5. Develop Human Resource Capacity and strengthen skills and knowledge for the new normal

Medium-Term Strategy: Rebuild Visitor Demand and Improve Product Offerings
  • Establish Myanmar as a trusted and safe destination
  • Position Myanmar in the heart and minds of International travellers
  • Diversify the tourism product base, improve quality and strengthen protected areas
  • Support MSMEs through digitisation, tourism investments and technical assistance
  • Set national tourism standards, ensure access to learning and create new tourism jobs
  • Develop destination management strategies, standards and guidelines for DMOs

Long-Term Strategy: Develop a resilient, balanced, responsible, and sustainable tourism sector
  • Establish A Smart Tourism Ecosystem and digital infrastructure
  • Establish a “Myanmar Tourism Board” for coordination of Marketing & Communication activities
  • Strengthen tourism human capital by establishing pathways to higher education and by updating the national HRD Strategy
  • Improve tourism connectivity and accessibility
  • Ensure destination management is inclusive and in consultation with local stakeholders
  • Invest in developing and expanding the scope of Inclusive and Community-Based Tourism
  • Safeguard tourism resources and prevent negative impacts on social and natural environment

Tags: Myanmar, Myanmar Tourism Strategic Recovery Roadmap

Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office
c/o 3rd Floor, Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 154 Rama 1 Road National Stadium, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel: +66 2038 5071-1

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