Friday 11 March 2016

SPTO Pledges Support for Developmental Womens Programmes

The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) today pledged to include more developmental women's programmes in its work in the region.

SPTO Chief Executive Ilisoni Vuidreketi made the pledges at a morning tea to mark International Women's Day.

“Women play an integral part in the Pacific tourism sector and we look forward to collaborating with organisations that work towards improving the lives of women in their homes and work force.”

“Today the SPTO pledges to ensure continued parity in its recruitment of staff where we encourage women to apply for vacant positions at SPTO. We also pledge to include more developmental programmes for women in the work that we do with our 17 Pacific Island member states to strengthen the socio-economic development of women in the tourism sector.”

Mr. Vuidreketi added that 65% of staff at SPTO are women and the current work of the SPTO seeks gender balance in its various training and development initiatives.

“Last but not the least we pledge to collaborate with regional implementing organisations such as UN Women and CROP agencies on programmes that will benefit women in tourism.”

The CEO was responding to a presentation on women made by Preeya Ieli of UN Women who was invited to speak to the staff at a special morning tea organized to commemorate International Women's Day.

Ms. Ieli thanked the SPTO for making the pledges to work towards more parity for women in the Pacific particularly in the tourism sector.

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