Sunday 6 March 2016

Parks and Wildlife week to be held in NT

This Saturday will kick off Parks Week – a time for all Territorians to celebrate the amazing Parks the NT has to offer. Parks Week is held from 5 – 13 March and is held nationally to recognise the importance of our Parks.

Minister for Parks and Wildlife said the Territory’s national parks played a vital role in the community, as they provide a safe and fun space for everyone to enjoy and take part in healthy activities.

“This is a perfect opportunity to visit your favourite local park, try out a park you haven’t been to yet or start planning for that Easter weekend getaway,” she said.

“The Parks and Wildlife Commission look after some of our most important natural, cultural and historical places and there are so many special and unique places to take advantage of across the Territory.”

Alice Springs Telegraph Station Ranger Matt Digby said he was so lucky work in beautiful Parks as he is always out and about.

“Here at the Alice Springs Telegraph Station, it’s a hub for the local community and has something for everyone! You can ride a mountain bike, take a stroll along one of the short walks or start the challenging Larapinta Trail,” he said. ‘Some days the picnic area can be buzzing with groups of people and the sizzle of a barbecue lunch.

“In our district we also visit and manage some of the more remote and spectacular places. This is probably the favourite part of my job, looking after special places like Rainbow Valley Conservation Reserve, Chambers Pillar Historical Reserve and Henbury Meterorite Craters Conservation Reserve.”

Ranger Digby said one of the best parts of his job was meeting and interacting with visitors who make the most of the Territory’s beautiful parks.

“Yeperenye / Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park are so close to town, it’s great to sit in the sandy riverbed and watch the coming and goings of a bower bird, a Wallaby, or even Processionary Caterpillars, there is always something going on,” he said.

Minister Price said there were plenty of beautiful parks around the NT which give visitors a perfect opportunity to relax and engage with nature.

Take the time to plan a visit to your local park this Parks Week and get out there to enjoy what our Parks have to offer – and don’t forget to share your park adventure with us on the Parks and Wildlife Facebook page!

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