Monday 2 November 2020


Chiang Mai, Thailand at Royal Flora Ratchaphruek Park.
 (photo via SeanPavonePhoto / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Tourism Authority of Thailand and GLP Films (GLP) partnered to create a video campaign focused on strengthening sustainable tourism in Thailand.

The “Sustainable Thailand” video campaign showcases the country’s commitment to sustainability with three new short films and a series of social media content that showcase its responsible travel experiences.

Right now, there is a focus on returning to tourism in a sustainable way, and these videos put Thailand front and center.

The films were shot in Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand and the Andaman Coast in Southern Thailand and highlight experiences that support the environment, local tourism and rural communities, including health and wellness, community-based tourism, animal welfare and conservation.

“Tourism Authority of Thailand recognizes the importance of sustainable tourism and having a better balance of quality versus quantity. TAT is excited to partner with GLP Films to promote experiences that benefit local communities and help Thailand better align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and integrate sustainability as a fundamental principle for tourism in Thailand,” comments Charinya Kiatlapnachai, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand New York Office.

Siriwan Seeharach, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s Los Angeles Office noted that the campaign is focused on the long term.

“The ‘Sustainable Thailand’ video campaign helps communicate the important message of not losing sight of the long-term objectives of tourism—to protect our cultural and natural heritage, share experiences that are meaningful and environmentally friendly, and benefit local communities in a tangible way,” said Seeharach.

Rob Holmes, founder and chief strategist of GLP Films, highlighted the importance of the timing and message of the videos.

“These stories from Thailand come at a time when the travel industry needs to build back tourism that benefits local communities and safeguards the cultural and natural assets of a destination,” states Rob Holmes, Founder & Chief Strategist of GLP Films. “We have really enjoyed working with TAT on this special campaign. By leveraging our expertise in global sustainable tourism, Thailand will be well-positioned to welcome travelers with meaningful and enriching experiences that contribute to the well-being and livelihoods of local communities and environments. And that is something travelers can feel good about.”

Read the full article at Travel Pulse:
Tags: #communitybasedtourism, #sustainabletourism, #TAT, #Thailand, #The‘SustainableThailand, #video campaign

Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office
c/o 3rd Floor, Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 154 Rama 1 Road National Stadium, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel: +66 2038 5071-1
Mobile: +66 8555 44234, +66 8098 95853

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