Friday 6 November 2020

Seven South-eastern localities join hands to stimulate regional tourism

Delegates at the event (Photo: NDO)
A tourism stimulus programme in the Southeast region was launched on October 2 in Vung Tau City, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province, to promote the region as a safe and attractive destination for visitors.

The programme attracted seven localities the region, including Ho Chi Minh City, and the six provinces of Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Binh Thuan, Dong Nai and Tay Ninh.

Under the programme, which will run throughout this year, participating localities have committed to joining hands in building action plans to rejuvenate the tourism market, with target customers being domestic visitors and foreigners who are living in Vietnam.

The seven localities are also planning to launch promotional and communication programmes to advertise the Southeast region as a safe destination for vacationers and ease their fear of travelling due to impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of the programme, a digital regional travel map will be designed and it will be integrated with the travel map of each locality in the region in order to make it easier for tourists to search for information about safe destinations, tourist products and services during their stay.

Each participating local authority will also call on businesses and the management boards of local tourist sites to offer interesting promotions and discounts for visitors to the locality.

Speaking at the event, Director General of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism Nguyen Trung Khanh hailed the prompt cooperation between localities in the Southeast region.

He stressed that each locality must strictly observe COVID-19 preventative measures, as regulated by the Ministry of Health, in order to ensure safety for tourists.

He also asked travel businesses to develop new and attractive tourist products while offering flexible cancellation and reschedule policies for visitors.
Source: Nhan dan online
Tags: #Southeasternlocalities, #stimulateregionaltourism,

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