Sunday 12 April 2020

get lost keeps the travel dream alive

None of us are able to jump on a plane right now, but that's no reason to stop planning. It's not always going to be like this, so start thinking of where you're going next. Now, while we're all being urged to stay at home, is the perfect time to become an armchair traveller.

And there's no better way to start than with the new issue of get lost, out now. We're living out our freshwater fantasies. Great Lake Adventures features 16 of the most epic experiences you can have on large bodies of water. From the cover star – the houseboats of Dal Lake – to learning how to drive in icy conditions on a frozen lake in Canada, these are some of the spots you'll want to head to when lockdown is a thing of the past.

“This is a really difficult time for everyone, especially those in the travel industry,” says publisher Justin Jamieson. “We really went hard on inspiration in this issue, particularly in this special feature, because we know how important it is to have wild travel dreams.

“Imagine exploring the vast Lake Malawi, with its golden beaches, snorkelling and diving, and sunset boat rides. Or rugging up to walk to the centre of Lake Baikal to camp in the middle of winter. It's about –20ÂșC in southern Siberia at that time of year. These are the sorts of epic adventures that continue to inspire us and hopefully everyone who reads get lost.”

Elsewhere in the issue, we lace up our hiking boots to explore Bear Trek in the Swiss Alps, go out on an all-night rager in Copenhagen, discover a different type of Mardi Gras in Louisiana, climb sea stacks in Ireland and try a twist on a culinary classic in Azerbaijan. Plus, there's tonnes more in the issue to have readers dreaming and scheming about their next adventure.

Issue 64 of get lost is on sale from this week, including online from Apple Newsstand and Amazon.


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